The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars

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Written on: 02-09-2023 09:56am    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars
According to this article from the DailyMail, Florida, Michigan, and New Jersey have the best bargains if you are searching for a cheap used car. New York and Vermont were also included in the top 5 list. On the opposite, Alaska and Hawaii have the most expensive ones.


  • The study was made by The Clunker Junker in late 2022.
  • 183,640 listings were analyzed to do this study.
  • The state of FL offers the cheapest used cars in the nation with a 4.45 percent below the national average.
  • Jersey City is the cheapest area in America to buy used vehicles with prices 9.08 percent below the national average, according to the study.
  • The cities of Hollywood, Miami, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, and Tampa Bay, are all included in the top 10 cities with the cheapest used cars.
  • FL's most popular pre-owned car is the Toyota Corolla. New Jersey: the Nissan Rogue, and in York and Michigan, the Chevy Equinox.
  • Inside the country, the states with the most expensive used cars are New Mexico, Mississippi, and Wyoming.
  • The cities of El Paso, Wichita and Albuquerque have the highest prices.

    This is shocking: "the cost of used cars in the U.S. has risen 49 percent since June 2020 due to the supply chain crisis and the global computer chip shortage which delayed new cars production".

    Well, this isn't a good time to change your old car.
  • My everyday task is helping dealers sell their cheapest cars in stock and helping car buyers find the vehicles they want for the lowest price possible — Start now to find the most affordable cars for sale in the U.S. at
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    Joined: 05-30-2012
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    Written on: 02-09-2023 10:58am    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars  
    I'd like to know which exactly Florida towns or counties are cheap because in South FL most of them are expensive.
    Looking for some affordable car for my son!
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    Joined: 06-04-2012
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    Written on: 02-09-2023 02:30pm    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars  
    When buying a used car in Florida, especially in cities or towns near the coast, check for corrosion in the car's frame. Beware of hidden frame rust. Saltwater can corrode metals five times faster. It not only affects the car's frame but body panels and undercarriage. That's the explanation of why used cars are cheaper in FL.
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    Joined: 12-14-2011
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    Written on: 02-10-2023 07:58am    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars  
    In Michigan, old used cars are ridiculously cheap, but never buy a vehicle in that state, especially in the north or you will lose your money.
    Peace, Love, United, Respect... that's my religion ;-J
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    Joined: 12-05-2011
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    Written on: 02-11-2023 08:35am    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars  
    I had a horrible experience in Hollywood FL buying a used Porsche Cayenne from one of those small street dealers, it didn't last even a month, I lost my money and they didn't care about it. Sold the SUV to a junkyard for a couple of pennies. Never again used cars from Florida.
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    Joined: 12-11-2011
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    Written on: 03-09-2023 09:16pm    Title: The Cheapest US States to Buy Used Cars  
    Never, ever buy a car in Mississippi or Alabama; they all are pieces of sh*t. Not sure what's going on with the people in those states, but they don't care about maintenance or keeping their cars in good shape.
    What UP!
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