Used car for sale by owner in North Carolina
2012 Subaru Outback 3.6R
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Outback in NC
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Liliana Sandoval
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If you are looking for a used car in North Carolina for sale by owner, Liliana Sandoval from Durham, is offering this gorgeous Subaru Outback, year 2012, for less than $8000 dollars. It is azul color and has 182,000 miles. If you are interested, get in touch with Liliana Sandoval, calling at 240-758-1590 or using the 'SEND INQUIRY' button below on this page. If this Outback 3.6R isn't the one you are seeking for, please use the search tools at the top or bottom, to find more similar station wagons available at affordable prices.

3 Photos
Asking for 7000 dollars for this AWD Subaru Outback 3.6R 2012 located in Durham-North Carolina....