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Cheap Car Dealerships in Idaho

used car dealer saleWondering where you can get a dirt cheap used car in Idaho that costs around 1000, 2000, 5000 dollars or less? If so, we've gathered in this directory some of the dealerships from Idaho selling pre-owned cars, trucks, SUVs, pickups trucks, and minivans at really low prices, so that you can visit and dig into their online inventories directly, or give them a phone call to ask them if they have available or can find for you the vehicle you are searching for in Idaho at the price you can afford. You can also check the list of cars for sale in Idaho posted on our car search platform.

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Auto Credit Sales Idaho Inventory at Autopten

Proudly serving the Inland Northwest since 1999, with over over 42,000 sold vehicles

Auto Credit Sales Idaho has an inventory of over 150 used affordable cars, and is part of 4 more stores located in Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights in Washington state, and Hayden ID, which in total have an entire inventory of over 1000 pre-owned vehicles, most of them at low prices for less than $10,000 and under $5,000 dollars. If you are wondering where to find cheap used cars in Idaho, Autopten strongly suggests to check Auto Credit Sales inventory.
120 Seltice Way
Post Falls, ID 83854
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Salmon River Quality Motors

Wide selection of quality vehicles from GMC, Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep & Buick for the Salmon, Boise, Billings and Missoula area.

Finding a new or used car, truck, or SUV should be an easy process, and in Boise ID, we takes pride in making used car shopping an easy and enjoyable as possible. For potential used cars buyers looking for a dealer around Boise, Idaho Falls, Nampa, Twin Falls or Caldwell your search is over.
1051 S. Challis St.
Salmon, ID 83467
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Get Listed In This Directory

If you own a car dealer in Idaho or you're the Internet person in charge, and would like to list it in this directory where we gather the Idaho dealers selling real cheap cars, please send us a request, specifying the web address of your company, and a brief intro or text describing it. Our only request is that a good amount of cars for sale for $5000 or less are part of your inventory. If you would also like to post your vehicles on our database and search results, just let us know it, and we'll do the hard job. So, if you sell good used cars at low prices in Idaho, sign up with us and we'll help you sell them for FREE.